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Whistic Profile Gets a New Look and Feel

Redesigned and updated UX/UI

Easy and efficient access for your customers. Flexible setup and powerful customization for you.

Whistic is the leader in transparent, proactive communication of security information. As a founding member of the Security First Initiative, we are on a mission to empower the world to put security first.

The new Whistic Profile user interface (about to be released over the next few weeks) is a powerful step forward on this mission, giving your customers confidence in a more elegant and modern design with the goal of enabling easier access to your security documentation. In addition, we’ve worked closely with many of our customers to provide you with more flexibility and customization as you configure your Whistic Profile.

All of this is aimed at eliminating friction, helping you build trust with your customers, and reducing the number of security questionnaires you have to respond to.

As a picture is worth a thousand words, let’s explore a few of the finer details of this new functionality by looking at the top 10 things for you to get excited about:

1. Modern look and feel with a new layout, giving recipients confidence upon first impression.2. Easier access to the content of the Profile with a more efficient layout.3. Seamless ability to dive deeper by using the slide-out panel to deliver artifact details.4. Flexibility to include additional information on each artifact such as a description, effective dates, external links, product name, and more.5. Improved document organization and narrative fields.6. Ease of switching between multiple profiles of the same company without navigating away from the Profile page.7. Responsive design for screens and devices of varying sizes.8. Easier configuration with consolidated settings and controls.9. Simple access to enable your public Trust Center, Profile Link, and sharing with buyer marketplaces.10. Support for a growing list of new audits and certifications!

So get excited for these updates which are coming in a matter of days! If you’re a current customer and you’d like to learn more about how this will benefit you, reach out to your Customer Success Manager today!

If you’re not currently a Whistic customer, schedule time with us to learn about how Whistic Profile can eliminate security questionnaires from your customers, accelerate sales cycles, and help unlock revenue.

Getting Started