Accessing Multiple Frameworks Via a Single Source

One of the most important lessons InfoSec professionals learn early in their careers is that one size does not fit all, especially when it comes to security and privacy frameworks. In the world of vendor risk management, trying to force security requirements to fit inside a single framework or assessment can leave gaps and increase risk.
Accessing multiple assessments and frameworks from a single source
Modern vendor risk management is incredibly expansive and detailed, which is why Whistic built a platform designed specifically to give InfoSec professionals access to assessments and questionnaires based on multiple frameworks – all from a single source of truth.
Whistichas established partnerships with industry-leading security frameworks to set InfoSec teams up with access to best-in-class assessments and questionnaires, including:
- Cloud Security Alliance
- Center for Internet Security
- Vendor Security Alliance
Which security framework is best for your company?
Depending on your industry and business vertical, your internal security assessment can vary from vendor to vendor. Additionally, any vendor you work with will have their own version of a security assessment, which means your team must accept and respond without too much heavy lifting.
From VSA to SIG to ISO,Whisticgives InfoSec teams access to some of the most commonly used assessments across the board. Your team can save all of these different questionnaires in the secure Whistic Platform, sharing with vendors as needed. Plus, when updates or revisions are required, InfoSec teams can easily make these changes and then lock the questionnaires to other edits, allowing salespeople and other stakeholders to easily access and share as needed.
One unique feature of the Whistic platform is the ability to build a custom security assessment to directly address the security features and problems tteam is most concerned about. InfoSec teams can fully customize the vendor risk management process to directly address and assess various business points.
Whistic: A single source of trust for vendor security
While other facets of the modern business have moved ahead thanks to cloud and SaaS-based tools, vendor risk management has, until now, relied on heavily manual processes to ensure nothing slips through the cracks. Receiving vendor responses in spreadsheets and then manually importing these answers into your system is a thing of the past with Whistic.
Whisic allows InfoSec teams to store vendor security profiles to automate the security assessment process. Your team can seamlessly attach new questionnaires, assessments, and documentation to these profiles for easy access. Withsome of the industry’s top frameworksreadily available in the platform, InfoSec teams can quickly send and receive vendor assessments as needed.
You can learn more about the different security frameworks available in Whistichere—or request a live demo with a Whistic Product Specialist